Aljouf Aljadid Co. for Transportation and Oil Services
Aljouf Aljadid Co. for Transportation and Oil Services is one of the most significant incorporated companies, established in the year 2007 in compliance with the Libyan Commercial Code and the legislations organizing the operations of incorporated companies...
A Job Well Done
This Certificate is given in appreciation of: A Job Well Done
This is to certify that ALJOUF ALJADID Co. has worked as a contractor for Shell Libya GmbH On the following Project:
Transfer of approximately 4250 metric tonnes of drilling Cuttings from the Alaraich location in the Sirte Basin to Tripoli (about 900 KM).All the cuttings were successfully transferred without lost time injuries or significant incidents in the period July-November 2013
Terex RT780 Hydraulic Rough

New crane added to our company “Terex RT780 Hydraulic Rough terrain crane”
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