Land Transportation Policy
Aljouf Aljadid Co. For Oil Services recognize the treat of injury to health as a result of vehicle driving or use both company's or private cars during work accidents and commutation. Aljouf Aljadid Co. is committed to minimizing such accidents and safeguarding the employees and third parties lives by improving the traffic safety awareness and ensuring that the company's as well as contractor's vehicle are well maintained of Libyan Traffic Low. No 11 of 1984 and it is amendments.
Only Aljouf Aljadid Co. authorized drivers can drive company/clients vehicles. Authorized drivers must receive appropriate Defensive training and awareness courses to ensure that driving risks are managed to (ALARP) principles. All Aljouf Aljadid drivers must adhere to the Libyan speed limits, and must not use hand phones whilst the vehicle is moving.
All Aljouf Aljadid vehicles are equipped with three points seat belts. Rollover protection devices and also fitted with latest GPRS technology, carry equipment for use in emergencies and be maintained to the highest standard. Seat belt must by the driver and all passengers.
All Aljouf Aljadid drivers will follow strict HSE rules (e.g. booking in and out procedures) and use the Journey Management System (JMS).this system will review weather conditions (i.e. visibility, road conditions, speed restriction and rest periods), Aljouf Aljadid professional drivers will maintain journey management logbooks Driver emergency response preparedness(e.g. vehicle emergency equipment ) will be tested periodically.
Currently the night driving within the Libyan roads are prohibited according to the Libyan General Security People's Committee circular No16 of 2009, Aljouf Aljadid is committed to comply with the Libyan legislations.
Terex RT780 Hydraulic Rough