Corporate HSE policy
HSE &Asset integrity issues will predominate Aljouf Aljadid Co. business objectives. Full commitment is required by all Aljouf Aljadid staff & it is contractors to:
- Provide safe and healthy working conditions.
- Preserve the company assets.
- Environment protection.
To achieve this Aljouf Aljadid will ensure that:
- Aljouf Aljadid staff & subcontractors are responsible for meeting HSE objectives. All staff and subcontractors are empowered by Aljouf Aljadid chairman, management Board to stop any Aljouf Aljadid activity which they consider a threat to HSE. As well as being empowered, staff and subcontractors have a duty to Intervene if any activity dose not meet Aljouf Aljadid Standard.
- Line management is responsible & accountable for HSE performance. HSE performance will be measured against ambitions targets and pursued through continues improvements. Everyone involved in Aljouf Aljadid operation must strive for a HSE incident free work place through the full use of all available work practices.
- HSE matters are an integral part of staff performance & appraisal. Appropriate formal and on the job training is provided to meet the required HSE competences.
- All the HSE hazards are identified and the associated risks are managed to as low as reasonably practical (ALARP) levels.
- Emergency procedures are updated and regularly tested. 6- Aljouf Aljadid will fully comply with Libyan HSE laws and regulations.
Terex RT780 Hydraulic Rough

New crane added to our company “Terex RT780 Hydraulic Rough terrain crane”
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